Telfer School of Management University of Ottawa

Indigenous Research Support Grant

This Telfer School funded team grant is designed to support Telfer School faculty members interested in pursuing Indigenous research in management, to promote collaborations with researchers of the Institute for Indigenous Research and Studies of the University of Ottawa or other researchers with an expertise in Indigenous research and to encourage community-based management research in partnership with Indigenous communities or organizations.

The goal is to provide financial support to Telfer faculty members as principal investigators for a research project that will result in:

An applicant can request up to $15,000 for an interdisciplinary research project lasting up to two years.

The number of grants may vary from one financial year to another depending on the availability of funds. 



A principal investigator can only hold one Indigenous Research Support Grant at a time but can reapply once the previous grant is closed.

Holding multiple grants as an investigator and/or co-investigator: A SMRG grant can be related to existing funded research or one that has been submitted for funding, however the projects cannot overlap. Each applicant is required to disclose all research submitted for funding and currently held sources of funding, including the amounts and descriptions of research projects. In the case of multiple grants, an applicant must justify how the requested funding is related to other grants or grant applications. Requests for support of overlapping research projects are not eligible for funding.

If REB approval is required as per Tri-Agency TCPS2 policy guidelines on Indigenous research, the principal investigator must obtain the REB certificate for funds to be released.  Research supported by this grant must comply with the University of Ottawa policies on the conduct of research. It is the applicant’s responsibility to secure the appropriate approvals for the proposed research from the University and from the relevant Indigenous organizations/communities. Funds will not be released until such approvals have been obtained. Applicants are encouraged to consult recent documents from the Tri-Agencies regarding Indigenous Research:

Allocation of funds will be divided between fiscal years. The first installment will be of $6000 and it will be allocated between September 1st and April 30th. The second installment will be for the remaining amount and it will be allocated starting on May 1st.

A request to extend the duration of funding beyond the original period needs to be made to the Research Office, if granted, the extension will not exceed another full calendar year and a maximum of 2 extensions can be requested. A formal request must be made at least two months prior to the end of the grant period.

Please note – It is advisable to follow Tri-Agency standards when preparing your applications.  Failure to do so may result in rejection of applications.

This grant is not intended for pedagogical uses and is subject to availability of funds.


Evaluation process and criteria

Applications will be reviewed and adjudicated by members of the ad hoc Indigenous Research Grants Committee: consisting of one member of the Telfer School Research Committee with relevant expertise in management/business pertaining to the proposed research project, and a faculty member of uOttawa or other Canadian university with expertise on indigenous research. The committee will make their recommendations to the Vice-Dean, Research, Telfer School who will make the final decision. The applications will be reviewed based on SMRG guidelines expanded to account for Indigenous research and potential benefit to Indigenous communities.

The following criteria will be used:

More information can be found in the Tri-Agency Guidelines for the Merit Review of Indigenous Research:; and the Tri-Agency TCPS2 (2018) Chapter 9 _ Research Involving the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples of Canada:




The recipient must provide a short report at the end of the grant period and give a presentation in a research seminar at the Telfer School. This report should clearly state what was accomplished (contribution to academic knowledge and Indigenous research; contribution to practice). If original goals were not achieved, an explanation of the reasons must be provided. The reporting of grant results will be considered in future granting decisions.

Each publication or presentation having been made possible through funding from the SMRG program has to explicitly acknowledge the support of the Telfer School of Management.

Apply for this grant