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Growth in SMEs
- Growth Map of Canadian Firms (2010) [PDF]
- Financing Global Gazelles (2006) [PDF]
- Growth Determinants of Micro-Businesses in Canada (2002) [PDF]
Procurement Strategies for Women Entreprises
- APUC Strategic Plan (2007-2010) [PDF]
- WIPP Women Procurement Press Release (2010) [PDF]
- WIPP Women Procurement Program Summary (2010) [PDF]
- Haringey Council Procurement Strategy (2006-2009) [PDF]
- Wrexham Procurement Strategy (2006-2009) [PDF]
- Accelerating the SME Economic Engine (2008) [PDF]
- Procurement and Supplier Diversity in the 2012 Olympics (2008) [PDF]
- Procurement Opportunities for Small Firms and Black Minority Ethnic Enterprises in Three English Regions (2007) [PDF]
- NWBC Best Practices in Federal Procurement (2006) [PDF]
- CIPC Suplier Diversity Briefing [PDF]
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
- Key Small Business Financing Statistics (2009) [PDF]
- Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Atlantic Provinces (2007) [PDF]
- Management Competencies and SME Performance Criteria: A Pilot Study (2003) [PDF]
Profiling Women’s Entrepreneurship
- Overcoming the Gender Gap (2011) [PDF]
- Canada Women Entrepreneurs Financing Profile (2010) [PDF]
- Are Successful Women Entrepreneurs Different From Men? (2010) [PDF]
- APEC Summit Summary on Women’s Entrepreneurship (2010) [PDF]
- Women Entrepreneurs (2010) [PDF]
- The Roadmap to 2020 (2010) [PDF]
- CATAWIT Women Growth Strategies (2009) [PDF]
- Female Entrepreneurial Networks and Networking Activity in Technology-based Ventures (2009) [PDF]
- Groundbreakers (2009) [PDF]
- Experiences with Business Support Centres for Women Entrepreneurs (2008) [PDF]
- Global Gender Gap (2008) [PDF]
- Women Business Centers – Lessons Learned from USA, Sweden and Canada (2008) [PDF]
- GEM 2007 Report on Women and Entrepreneurship (2007) [PDF]
- Evaluating a Gender-based Training Program (2006) [PDF]
- Women Entrepreneurs (2004) [PDF]
- A Portrait of Women Business Owners in Atlantic Canada (2003) [PDF]
- CWB Business Learning Continuum Model [PDF]
- Young, Women, Ethnic Minority and Co-Entrepreneurs [PDF]