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 Why is sharing learning outcomes with students so important? Learning outcomes (LO) are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning.  LO statements allow the instructors to select appropriate learning and assessment activities when designing their courses or modules. Sharing LO with students will help them understand and focus on the skills or knowledge they need to develop at the end of the course/module. It also improves their learning experience. Writing and sharing LO with your students enables you to create a student-centred course design, helps you clarify outcomes and expectations, and ensures that course activities, assessments, and content are aligned in a coherent way for an enhanced teaching and learning strategies. In the Virtual Campus, you can easily share your LO in a description field for each of your modules. Your students will see the field when starting a module. They will understand the skills and knowledge they will possess upon the completion of the module. Sharing LO will also improve communication with your students regarding each module’s concepts and skills. AK