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Towards Regulatory Intelligence

Okhaide Akhigbe, Doctoral Candidate in Electronic Business and Part-time Professor, Telfer School of Management.
Supervisors: Dr Daniel Amyot and Dr Gregory Richards

Based on government policy objectives, regulations are introduced to ensure the well-being, safety, and other societal needs of citizens and business enterprises. While regulations routinely evolve through their introduction, modification, and repeal to meet societal needs, it is often unclear whether they actually achieve intended societal outcomes. Do initiatives such as programs and other enforcement activities done by regulators, who are custodians of the regulatory ecosystem, result in improved compliance? Does compliance to regulations imply that societal objectives are met? In this age of big data and artificial intelligence enhanced tools, can we make, operate and review regulations based on data-driven evidence?

To answer these questions, his research explores the use of conceptual modeling techniques and data visualization tools to enable monitoring and assessing how regulations, programs and other enforcement activities perform. The significance and outcomes of this research will equip regulators with better evidence to report and describe how regulations and policies perform and identify priority areas of focus and opportunities for continuous improvement of regulatory initiatives.

For further information on Okhaide Akhigbe’s Research projects, click on the following link:

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